What To Wear To A Laser Tag Game? A Guide To The Perfect Outfit

Laser tag is a fun and exciting game that involves shooting infrared beams at your opponents in a dark arena. It’s a great way to have some adrenaline-pumping fun with your friends, family, or coworkers. But before you head to the laser tag arena, you need to make sure you’re dressed appropriately for the game. What you wear can make a big difference in your performance and enjoyment of the game. In this article, we’ll give you some tips on what to wear to a laser tag game, whether it’s indoor or outdoor, and answer some frequently asked questions about laser tag apparel.

Gear Up For The Game: What to Wear For Laser Tag?

The first thing you need to know is that laser tag is not a fashion show. You’re not there to impress anyone with your style, but to have fun and win the game. That means you need to wear clothes that are comfortable, practical, and suitable for the game. Here are some general guidelines on what to wear for laser tag:

Wear Dark Clothes

One of the most important things to consider when choosing your laser tag outfit is the color of your clothes. You want to blend in with the dark environment and avoid being an easy target for your enemies. That means you should wear dark colors, such as black, navy, brown, or gray. Avoid wearing bright colors, such as white, yellow, pink, or neon, as they will make you stand out and attract attention. Also, avoid wearing clothes that have reflective or shiny elements, such as sequins, glitter, or metallic fabrics, as they will reflect the laser beams and give away your position.

Don’t Wear Any Jewelry Unless Important

Another thing to avoid when playing laser tag is wearing any jewelry or accessories that are not necessary. This includes earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, watches, sunglasses, or hats. These items can get in the way of your movement, get caught on something, or fall off during the game. They can also reflect the laser beams and make you more visible to your opponents. If you have any jewelry that you can’t take off, such as a wedding ring or a piercing, try to cover it with tape or a band-aid to reduce its reflection.

Dress In Layers

Laser tag can be a sweaty and exhausting activity, especially if you’re playing for a long time or in a large arena. You want to stay cool and comfortable throughout the game, so it’s a good idea to dress in layers that you can easily take off or put on as needed. For example, you can wear a t-shirt under a hoodie or a jacket, and then remove the outer layer if you get too hot. You can also wear leggings or sweatpants under jeans or shorts, and then roll them up or down depending on the temperature. Dressing in layers will also help you adjust to the different environments you may encounter in the game, such as hot or cold areas, or areas with different lighting effects.

Wear Close-toed Shoes

One of the most essential items to wear for laser tag is a pair of close-toed shoes. You don’t want to wear sandals, flip-flops, or open-toed shoes, as they will expose your feet to potential injuries, such as stubbing your toes, stepping on something sharp, or getting hit by a laser beam. You also don’t want to wear shoes that are too loose or too tight, as they will affect your balance and mobility. You want to wear shoes that are comfortable, sturdy, and have good traction, such as sneakers, boots, or athletic shoes. These shoes will help you run, jump, dodge, and hide more effectively and safely.

Don’t Wear Noisy Shoes

Another thing to consider when choosing your shoes for laser tag is the noise they make. You don’t want to wear shoes that make loud sounds when you walk, such as heels, clogs, or shoes with squeaky soles. These shoes will alert your enemies to your location and make it harder for you to sneak up on them. You want to wear shoes that are quiet and stealthy, such as rubber-soled shoes, canvas shoes, or shoes with soft insoles. These shoes will help you move around the arena without making too much noise and giving away your position.

Manage Your Hair

If you have long hair, you need to make sure it doesn’t interfere with your vision, your movement, or your laser tag equipment. You don’t want your hair to cover your eyes, get tangled in your vest, or block your sensors. You want to keep your hair away from your face and neck, and secure it in a way that won’t come undone during the game. You can tie your hair in a ponytail, a bun, a braid, or a headband, or wear a hat or a bandana to keep it in place. You can also use hair clips, pins, or elastics to keep your hair neat and tidy.

Pay Attention To The Fitting Of Your Clothes

The last thing to consider when choosing your clothes for laser tag is the fitting of your clothes. You don’t want to wear clothes that are too tight or too loose, as they will affect your comfort and performance. You want to wear clothes that fit you well and allow you to move freely and flexibly. You also want to avoid wearing clothes that have buttons, zippers, pockets, or belts, as they can get caught on something, rip, or fall off during the game. You want to wear clothes that are simple, smooth, and durable, such as t-shirts, jeans, leggings, or sweatshirts.

Avoid Sleeveless Shirts And Tank Tops

One more thing to avoid when playing laser tag is wearing sleeveless shirts or tank tops. These shirts will expose your arms and shoulders to the laser beams, which can be painful and annoying. You also don’t want to wear shirts that have holes, rips, or tears, as they will reduce your coverage and protection. You want to wear shirts that have sleeves, such as long-sleeved shirts, hoodies, or jackets. These shirts will help you avoid getting hit by the laser beams and keep you warm and comfortable.

Also Read Before You Play: How To Win Laser Tag: Professional Tips, Tricks, and Winning Strategies for Game Dominance

What To Wear To Outdoor Laser Tag?

If you’re playing laser tag outdoors, you need to take into account the weather and the terrain of the game. You want to wear clothes that are suitable for the climate and the environment, and that will protect you from the sun, the wind, the rain, or the cold. Here are some tips on what to wear to outdoor laser tag:

  • Wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat to protect yourself from the sun and the heat. You can also wear a scarf or a bandana to cover your neck and face.
  • Wear a raincoat, a poncho, or an umbrella to protect yourself from the rain and the wetness. You can also wear waterproof shoes, socks, and gloves to keep your feet and hands dry.
  • Wear a jacket, a sweater, or a coat to protect yourself from the wind and the cold. You can also wear a hat, a scarf, or a hood to keep your head and ears warm.
  • Wear clothes that match the color of the terrain, such as green, brown, or gray. You can also wear camouflage or military-style clothes to blend in with the surroundings and hide from your enemies.
  • Wear clothes that are sturdy and resistant to dirt, mud, grass, or rocks. You can also wear knee pads, elbow pads, or gloves to protect your joints and hands from injuries.

People Also Ask (FAQ)

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about laser tag apparel and their answers:

What color should you wear to laser tag?

The best color to wear to laser tag is dark colors, such as black, navy, brown, or gray. These colors will help you blend in with the dark environment and avoid being an easy target for your opponents. You should avoid wearing bright colors, such as white, yellow, pink, or neon, as they will make you stand out and attract attention. You should also avoid wearing clothes that have reflective or shiny elements, such as sequins, glitter, or metallic fabrics, as they will reflect the laser beams and give away your position.

What should you never wear for laser tag?

You should never wear clothes that are uncomfortable, impractical, or unsuitable for the game. This includes clothes that are too tight or too loose, clothes that have buttons, zippers, pockets, or belts, clothes that have holes, rips, or tears, or clothes that are too hot or too cold. You should also never wear sandals, flip-flops, or open-toed shoes, as they will expose your feet to potential injuries. You should also

Can you wear shorts to laser tag?

You can wear shorts to laser tag, but it is not recommended. Shorts can expose your legs, which are one of the most targeted areas of your body. If you get hit in the legs, it can sting and make you lose points. You should wear pants that cover your legs and protect them from the lasers and the obstacles

Can you wear hats when playing laser tag?

You can wear hats when playing laser tag, but only if they are dark and fit well. Hats can help you keep your hair out of your eyes, block the sun, and hide your sensors. However, they can also reflect light, fall off, or get in the way. You should avoid wearing hats that are bright, shiny, or loose

Is there any difference between the dress codes of men & women?

There is no significant difference between the dress codes of men and women when playing laser tag. Both genders should follow the same tips and guidelines for choosing their outfits. The only difference might be the style and preference of the clothes, but the main goal is to wear something that is comfortable, practical, and suitable for the game

What do girls wear to laser tag

Girls can wear anything they want to laser tag, as long as it follows the tips and guidelines mentioned above. Some examples of what girls can wear to laser tag are:

  • A black t-shirt, leggings, and sneakers
  • A dark hoodie, jeans, and boots
  • A camouflage jacket, cargo pants, and trainers
  • A navy dress, tights, and flats

Also Read Before You Play: How Much Does Laser Tag Cost and How to Save Money on It

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